About Us
House of Glynatsis productions is a UK based film production company founded by emerging filmmaker and actor, Yorgo Glynatsis. Our aim is to tell authentic, impactful, inspiring and thought-provoking stories with diversity and inclusivity as the forefront. Challenging stereotypes and pushing boundaries for authentic representation on and off screen. We advocate for a positive, supportive, respectful and compassionate creative work environment and choosing our clients and projects that are in alignment with our ethos.
Freelancers we work with
Directors of Photography :
Matt Thomas: www.mthomasdop.com
BAFTA member Natalja Safronova: www.nsafronova.com
Thomas Line: www.thomaslinefilms.uk
Producers :
Tina Zucco: www.tinazucco.com
Sophia Vi: www.koupepiafilms.com
​Post-Production Editors and Visual effects:
Lêif-Camron Saunders: https://treenieedits.wixsite.com/leifsaunders
Thomas Schubert: www.thomasschubertfilms.com
Elif Gonen: www.elif-gonen.com
​Sound designer and Post-Production Audio Engineer:
Michal Thomas Czerniak: www.michalthomas.com
Vanessa Garber: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessagarber16/
Graphic and Web designer:
BAFTA Connect Member Sharon Sibyl Gatt: www.sharonsibylgatt.com
​Editor and Animation:
ReelN: www.reeln.co.uk